GM Rice

Is "Golden Rice" better than normal rice?

GM Tomatoes

Can these "Long-lasting tomatoes" be better?

Saturday 7 February 2015

GM Tomatoes: Can these 'Long-lasting Tomatoes" be better?

Tomato, a type of vegetable which we consume on a regular basis. We can find them in our salads, soups and pasta. In the present age, vegetables and fruits are not commercially cultivated merely for the local market, but are intended for shipping over long distances to nation-wide and international markets. Ripe fruits and vegetables have soft skins and can be easily be damaged during handling and processing thus they might rot by the time it reaches the stall.

In order to counter such problems, the first genetically engineered tomato was created in 1992 and was approved to be sold in the 1994. The tomato was known as ‘Flavor Savr’ and the motive of creating ‘Flavor Savr’ was to create a tomato that was long-lasting and tasty.

(n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2015, from

Pros of ‘Flavor Savr’
·         Farmers spend less money producing more food
·         Reduce amount of pesticides and herbicides
When 'Flavor Savr' was announced to the world, everyone was curious and wanted to try it out but shortly, ‘Flavor Savr’ tomatoes ceased as they were unprofitable. However, this does not meant the end of GM tomatoes.

 Another company, Zeneca, backed by Campbell Soups would their GM tomato puree in the UK. The GM purees were sold at a lower price than competing non-GM purees. Many people support the Zeneca purees and for a few years, sales were really good but soon after, concerns about the dangers of genetically modified foods cropped up and many people are getting more health conscious and the safety issues grew louder, thus the product was withdrawn from the market.

(n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2015, from
Cons of GM tomatoes overall
·         Accidentally created super weed which is resistant to the same herbicides the tomatoes are
·         Super weed kills everything around them and could kill the tomatoes which will result in loss of an excess amount of money
·         Plants might produce their own toxin which humans might unknowingly consume
(n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2015, from
Currently, there are no GM tomatoes available for sales as the FDA(Food & Drug Administration) didn’t approve it and many people might not want to consume GM food.

Although GM tomatoes aren’t on sale currently, I strongly feel that GM tomatoes are still one of the best solution to provide long-lasting tomatoes as they will come in useful especially when there is no food and we have to store our food for a very long time. Do you agree with what I said? Drop down a comment or shout out at the chat box!

Flavor Savr - the Genetically Engineered Tomato. (2012, March 18). Retrieved February 7, 2015, from
The Flavr Savr Arrives. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2015, from
 What Ever Happened to the Flavr Savr Genetically-Engineered Tomato? (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2015, from
Detailed History. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2015, from Culture Applications/Detailed History.htm
History of GMOS. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2015, from

Sunday 1 February 2015

GM Rice: Is "Golden rice" better than normal rice?

Retrieved from
Golden rice, a type of rice created through genetic engineering in 1999 has made an impact on the world till today. It is a form of rice that is filled with ‘Beta-carotene’ which is a form of Vitamin A.
Beta-carotene gives "Golden rice" its “Yellow” or “Golden” appearance. Golden rice can be easily processed by our digestive system and provide us more energy with low fat content. It was created to combat rural areas countries with Vitamin A deficiency as more and more people are diagnosed with it especially children.Vitamin A deficiency can affect’s one eyesight, malnutrition, weaken their immune system and increase their chronic conditions and it can even cost death.
Retrieved from

Pros of Golden Rice
  • Lower Risk of Blindness, Infections, Cancers & Diseases
  • Reduce Gastrointestinal Distress
  • Reduces High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol
  • Low price food which makes it affordable for LDC to purchase
  • Provides a lot of energy, Vitamin A and can be easily digested
In addition, the newest form of golden rice (invented in 2005) which is also referred as Golden Rice 2 contains higher levels of beta-carotene than the original golden rice.
Retrieved from
Reasons for development of Golden Rice 2
  • To improve, enrich, support and enhance health and well-being
  • Lower the risk of a variety of health conditions and ailments.
  • Increase in Vitamin A as people said that it didn’t contain enough Vitamin A beneficially for reducing diseases risk.
Take a look at this video about the consumption of GM rice in India
By supplementing Vitamin A in a form of food has helped millions of people in a fast and cheap way because countries such as India has many poor people that do not have the ability to purchase supplements & medicine. Thus, by using Golden rice, it cost cheaper and it contains more nutrient compared to using normal rice.
Retrieved from

To me, Golden rice has no harm to us because of much it had helped people who are Vitamin A deficiency. Also, Golden rice did not harm anyone but instead boost everyone’s health instead thus, the production of Golden health is a cheap and effective way to help improve the health of people who are Vitamin A deficiency. How about your thoughts? Share with me by commenting on this post or leave your answer at the chat box!
Schaub, P., Al-Babili, S, Drake, R & Beyer, P. (2005). Why is golden rice golden (yellow) instead of red? Plant Physiology 138 (1). 441–450.
Tang, G., Qin, J., Dolnikowski, G. G., Russell, R. M. & Grusak, M. A. (2009). Golden rice is an effective source of vitamin A. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89(6). 1776–83.
Wright, S. Y., Hinchliffe, E. & Adams, J. L (2005). Improving the nutritional value of golden rice through increased pro-vitamin A content. Nature Biotechnology 23(4). 482–7.